Comprehensive Facility Management Software for Buildings
Comprehensive response to the Facility Management & Services needs of organizations.
FAMA AFM is the comprehensive Facility Management solution, CAFM (Computer Aided Facility Management) and IWMS (Integrated Workplace Management System) software solution, which offers a comprehensive and effective response to organizations, allowing comprehensive control and centralized management of the different aspects that contribute to the proper functioning of the infrastructure of organizations and their associated services: maintenance, general services, management of property and real estate assets of companies, spaces and management of all aspects related to the sustainability of organizations (quality, CSR, carbon footprint, waste, environmental and energy management, etc.).
It is a consolidated solution that is trusted by a large number of users including major private and public organizations.
How can FAMA AFM help you?
Real estate and construction
Provides a classified inventory of all the properties and spaces of the organization to be managed, as well as the different associated contracts, with a link to Google Maps and the Cadastre's Electronic Headquarters.
Integrates with the organization's economic/financial system to perform impact calculations, obtain monthly and annual costs by different criteria (geographical area, property, area, cost center, work center, person, etc.).
Automates the procedures and files related to asset management, allowing the creation of approval circuits, as well as the automatic generation of any invoice and/or payment order associated with contracts or services.
Complete management of investment projects (project definition, budgeted items, bids submitted, awarded, etc.), making it possible to identify even small budget deviations.
FAMA AFM facilitates the management of the areas that make up the space of an organization (useful, built, etc.), as well as any associated workstation according to a cataloged typology (associated with an area, a cost center, the people who occupy it, voice and data connections, inventory elements...), thus streamlining processes of relocation, studies into relocation or space optimization.
The integration with BIM 7D (O&M) increases the efficiency of the O&M process (operations & maintenance), optimizing resources, increasing the knowledge of each phase, reducing costs, increasing the economic performance of the projects in all its phases and contributing to the achievement of the expected ROI throughout the 50 years of useful life of the building.
Facilitates flexible workspaces and ensures the safety of their occupants, through tools for the reservation of spaces and rooms by any employee, the establishment of occupancy rules, tracking in case of COVID positives, etc.
It enables a complete and in-depth management of the inventory of the elements that make up the space and their location, classifying them by typology and facilitating the monitoring of their life cycle.
Facilitates the economic management of spaces through occupancy calculations and obtaining ratios of €/m², €/workstation, etc.
Enables the automated management of material warehouses and stock control.

Maintenance and general services
Provides tools to quickly resolve any corrective maintenance incident: catalog of requests and workflow definition by type, web portal and app to facilitate the communication of requests by users, automatic generation of work orders, alarm activation, integration with the document base of facility plans, app for work order (WO) management.
Plans, schedules and standardizes preventive maintenance in an easy and automated way: automated loading of maintenance plans and preventive maintenance ranges (according to RITE regulations), establishment of cost criteria and performance levels in contracts, activation of alarms for pending actions, integration with facility plans and management of maintenance reports.
Provides a communication channel for the centralized management of all maintenance and general service requests, which is also accessible to suppliers.
Facilitates the control of indicators associated with service level agreements (SLAs) based on pre-established ratios.
Streamlines the management of general services, through a catalog of services to be requested through the web portal and app, with associated workflows (signature circuit, authorizations for example), overview of the status of each request, as well as automatically generating and managing the work orders linked to them.
Coordination of business activities (CAE)
Automates and facilitates the centralized and integrated management of all aspects related to the field of Occupational Risk Prevention (ORP) and, specifically, Coordination of Business Activities (CAE) of organizations.
Streamlines access control to the organization's facilities by external service operators, through the APP that verifies the status of documentation on the CAE platform.
Manages all documentation related to service providers, contractors and subcontractors, of any origin and type.
Facilitates the management of RD 171/2004 and RD 1627/1997 regulations.
Automates and manages, in a centralized and integrated manner, all aspects related to sustainability.
Calculates the carbon and water footprint..
Manages quality and environmental standards, waste management.
Automatically collects GRI-G4 indicators for CSR reports.
Optimizes processes that contribute to the circular economy.
Monitors energy consumption.