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*Basic information on Data Protection: Entity Responsible: Soluciones Cuatroochenta, S. A. Purpose: To channel requests for information made through the contact forms on THE WEBSITE. Legitimation: User consent granted through the acceptance of the checkbox. Recipients: No data will be transferred to third parties unless legally required. Rights: You have the right of access, rectification, opposition, portability, limitation of processing and deletion by sending your request to protecciondatos@cuatroochenta.com. You can consult additional and detailed information in Privacy Policy.
C/ Balmes, 89, 4
08008 Barcelona
+34 93 225 39 98
Paseo Recoletos 6, 6º oficina 6.1,
28001 Madrid
+34 91 305 27 24
Edificio Espaitec 2,
Avda. Sos Baynat s/n,
12071 Castelló
Automation and centralized and integrated management of the different aspects related to sustainability.
Centralized and integrated management of the Coordination of Business Activities (CAE) and other aspects of Occupational Risk Prevention (ORP).
Solutions developed for local public administrations for the complete management of public assets.